Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The case of the missing trolley.

'There you are you little devils,' Suzy exclaimed, when found her two tiny tots shopping trolleys. She'd been looking for them all morning, fearing that some nasty shopper had abducted them to use in their home as a storage basket. This was not unheard of in the shopping trolley community. Only last week, a tiny tots trolley was sighted leaving the supermarket car park. It was being pushed by a little lady who was wearing dark sunglasses and a Port Power beanie. The store detective was hot on the case at this very moment!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Suzy was gob-smacked she couldn't believe her eyes. Organic shopping trolleys. What next? What is the world coming to?
The next thing will be SHOPPING TROLLEY ROBOTS! You put your money in and they go and do your shopping for you while you go and have a coffee and relax.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Nothing like a change of profession. Even shopping trolleys get sick of the same old same old, but mind you Suzy was starting to miss the air conditiong of the supermarket and the surprise of some new product. Not to mention the occasional bag of lollies that came her way. But that's life. You never know until you make the change. At least she can always go back to supermarket work.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Susy, didn't know you had it in you and you've a voice as well! What a waste of talent, supermarkets are too ho-hum for the likes of you. Maybe this is your moment of fame. Or maybe. Just maybe, you're destined to greater heights and we'll be seeing you next on the Ellen's couch.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Suzy's not silly,she knows what to do with the kids when she goes to the supermarket. Chain em up together out the front. All safe and sound so she can browse the aisles with out a, 'Gimme dat.I want,' or 'Arrre MUM you promised!!!'

Monday, February 20, 2012


Rumour had it, that this was the fountain of youth and it could make shopping trolleys all shiny and new. A second lease on a life with not a squeak left or rusty hinge to slow one down in supermarket aisles. But Suzy wasn't convinced she'd heard that sort of rubbish before, however she still couldn't resist just coming for a look.