Thursday, June 25, 2009


Suzy was well and truly in a pickle now, she had been warned about this before. Shop lifting, an occupational hazard for shopping trolleys and not always their fault. She hugged close to the stobie pole, hoping to be overlooked but the cop car drove up slowly and she knew she would have a lot of explaining to do.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Is this it?

Suzy sobbed and cried and sobbed again and cried. "Was this it, filled with rubbish, rusting away, never to rest peacefully in a supermarket bay after a fulfilling day of packets of food, soap, meat trays, an occasional bag of lollies. Even a rubbish bin was better off, they were made of plastic." She cried so much that it made her rust even more and then she stopped. "This can't be the end, let's think of something." She braced her rusting joins and set her mind on what to do?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fitting In

Suzy didn't always fit in with other shopping trolleys. It wasn't her fault, some untidy and insensitive shoppers, emptied her out and left her anywhere.
Often a nasty girl or boy would kick her as they passed, just to be nasty!
Secretly she toyed with the idea that she would freeze a wheel or make an annoying click when they pushed her, that way they would leave her alone and she could stay safe and secure, always in the supermarket
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